For Mr Grump
moar funny pictures
If you saw our gardens you would understand....
a commentary on nothing really, SCA schtuff, teaching stuff, health stuff, stuff on stuff. Features Mr Grump, my family, his family, the chooks, geese and the dogs or gods, friends and how to have them (roasted) and now Max the cat.
I have been wondering where these funny pics have been popping up from, now I know. Thanks Katrijn. Just reminds me that I want a cat in the house again - they are so bloody entertaining.
moar funny pictures
Now, I love Christmas and have been poking the mystery present from Mr Grump (the other two I know about so no poking) but I do make this face internally when I think of the crowds, emotional upheaval it causes for children in families that don't have money or don't care about them.
So, I pray for those children who need love, want nothing more than a hug and that they find solace in someone who cares for them.
2 days to Christmas and 3 days until the mother in law comes to visit! (FOR FIVE DAYS)
Today is our anniversary of the first time we were together and it has been a lovely day with a reflective lunch at our favourite cafe, we have been retrospective and loving towards each other all day. Mr Grump has grown into a man that is loving, loyal, intelligent, strong and sensitive - a perfect foil for my erratic "do everything at once-ness' he has had his lesson to learn particularly regarding his father and the emotional baggage that mental illness in a parent brings.
He can give me the shits at times, but it is a passing fancy and overall we are pretty into each other and he is my best friend.
I have been on Practicum for the past 5 weeks and what it has shown is how far I have come and that I don't want to go back to Uni for another year of B.S. I was teaching from Day 1 at the small school (only 15 kids) and I have had some very interesting characters to teach - a diabetic with undiagnosed learning difficulties (possibly Aspergers) 2 ADHD kids, one child whose parent was murdered by the other parent (pretty well adjust all things considered). I have seen the progression from I need to learn more on Prac to what I need to learn is from actually teaching.
On other news, I'm going to be a Aunty and a sister in law- ye gods! It has been an eventful year with the loss of furry kids, Miss K and Mr L being engaged and parents in a few months to Radburne heading in a new direction, to starting the drugs again and getting my whole cycle started again - (its working - just need to practice a bit more).
I would have liked to be the first one to have the babies for the family but life is not that straightforward for us but having Miss K and Mr L having the first grandchild it is good and takes off the pressure I have placed myself under - I don't if was an obligatory sense of family loyalty or the maternal urge I have had since I met Mr Grump.
Anyway, we have finished Christmas shopping this weekend (we went hard and we went fast!) and now the tree is up and the lights will be going up after I post this. This week is a doddle at school - events, not real teaching...
Uni has been too much this semester and it's telling in how I operate in the real world. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything.
I am ignoring this feeling and I have just come back from Sydney and a 60th birthday party of Mr Grump's best friends' mother. It was fun, we got drunk, woke up early the next day feeling slightly seedy and had a wonderful breakfast followed then by a visit to Mr Grump's mother and brother - oh god, thank goodness we only do it once a year. After 3 hours with her and the brother - I was ready to go back to 'normalcy'
We got home yesterday to our little nest and it was so good to sit in our loungeroom and go to bed in our bed...
We stayed at Grandma's on Sunday night, and it was lovely, it was good to see her before she goes to hospital for her op. She seemed in good form despite the stuff she has had to go through recently. Dad P and Aunty S is visiting her and keeping her company.
I have started some favours for the Yellow Rose tourney in November and also some other things that I can't mention here on blogger.
So much has happen with the SCA group and it's wonderful - we have had postive reponses for other groups, our local communities...
Anyway, I am in lectures and should actually pay attention for the last five minutes.
My Personality
Neuroticism | 32 |
Extraversion | 76 |
Openness To Experience | 66 |
Agreeableness | 31 |
Conscientiousness | 40 |
You are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time. You are generally calm and composed, reacting moderately well to situations that most people would describe as stressful. A desire for tradition does not prevent you from trying new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising and you have less concern with others' needs than with your own. You are reasonably reliable, organized, and self-controlled. |
Funky MySpace Layouts. |
Our last cat, Maddie aka Mee-ma died on Friday night. Fortunately/unfortunately I wasn't here when it happened - Mr Grump had to deal with it as well as telling Dad No. 1 about it. She was a feisty, crazy, hissy thing that was a strange people cat on her own terms (sniffing toes or hands then biting them!). She is missed but also it is a relief to see her at peace because she was so old (in cat years - 98) and was suffering from arthritis and eating very little.
August 25th - Mr Grumps birthday. Was good, drank a little, made too much food, in bed by 11ish. The Fire Bucket of Friendship did its thing again and people flocked to it. Itwas a cool night but mild enough for people to sit around and chat and eat. Miss K and her boyf, Mr L came and Miss K brought good wine...shame I could'nt drink more of it - too busy fussing over people being fed...again.
September 8 and 9th - The Tavern of the Black wolf with Middle eastern food was a pretty good time had by all methinks. I was happy with how the food turned out and how people had a 'go' at eating most of the food. The Baqlawa of Radburne will be making a appearance again along with the Honey cake of Radburne...will I get a reputation?
Sunday the 9th was a wonderful day in the park in Wello - we had people having picnics and spending a day with us watching the fighties and asking questions. I am so happy that we will be having a every 2nd month thing at the park starting next year.
Now, I am on holidays from Uni but not uni work :( I have 4 assignments due the 2nd week back from holidays) so I won't be going to Spring War or Baronial Hunt.
I AM A BIT PISSED OFF AT THAT! - besides we can't afford it really.
October and November are going to be HUGE with events coming out of the wazoo and then starting prac, in that time we have to get to Sydney for 2 major events - a birthday party and a anniversary party, attend a weekend at Katrijn's for the Yellow Rose Tourney.
November 24 -25 - yess, that is how long we have to wait until we can do the Bike Riding course at Orange.....sheesh.
I'll still here. Just too freakin busy to post. Uni sucks. war was good, had super fun, Mr Grump camped with me (went home during the day - benefits of living only 40 minutes from site). Mr Grump's birthday this weekend, party, cake, booze, YAY!
Of Course I'm Klingon!
Homeworld: Q'onoS
Link: The Which Star Trek Species R U Test written by MadameBoffin on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
You like Star Trek and have obviously watched more than a couple of episodes or movies, but you don't live or breathe the world (read: you probably don't go to your local McDonalds in your Klingon gear - not that there's anything wrong with that...). Excellent! You've managed to tread the fine line between sci-fi buff and Star Trek nerd (otherwise known as the difference between enjoying Star Trek for its entertainment value and running around with a batleth quoting Klingon battle poetry).
Link: The Trekkie Test written by MadameBoffin on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
So, ok, right, so , ok, here is the story. Since I was a little girl riding on the bike with my dad when I was knee high to a large grasshopper I have liked motorbikes. Oh no, you say, they're dangerous, fast, two-wheeled machines that car drivers never see until its too late. Yep, I have had that chat to myself over the years but everytime I have seen a bike going somewhere whether it was in the city traffic or chewing up country miles I have sighed and gone I WANT ONE!
Well, being fuelled by caffeine has its benefits. After using Katrijns projector on Saturday after the working bee at Dragon Hill for up and coming War Weekend (oh no, less than two weeks away!), I have made Mr Pleasant nee Grumble's banner - he may not have garb but he's got a banner - it took most Sunday afternoon and it was worth it..
Here are the photos.
The first one with the red blobs are the eye and tongue pinned on to show correct positioning. These were then sewn in place using a zig-zag stitch.
This shows the positioning of the wolf's head over the eye and tongue piece. I proceeded to pin the whole thing all over.
All stitched up and finished. Just need to hem top and bottom and its ready to go. Not a great angle but it shows it in it's entirety.
Now, before you say - which ones or she really does'nt need them. Recreationally, I do not indulge but I use to. I did'nt mind a pipe or two of wacky baccy but I digress.
This is really an update on the proceedings that are proceeding as I type.
I am now on the other drugs which I will take from day 5 to 9 ( I am on day 7) and then we are suppose to do 'special cuddles' (excuse the tweeness) on day 12 (which is Thursday), day 14 (saturday) and day 16 (monday). When I took these drugs before I was the bitch goddess from the 49th levels of hell - I had never witnessed myself as that person before - hormones are truly fantastic chemicals. This time?? truthfully, I'm wondering if they are working because I am just my normal what is different (bear with me)
On days 21 and 28 (saturdays) I will need to have blood tests, as per described by the specialist to see if anything has happened (I am working in the now and not the future - god, an affirmation if I ever read one!). So, that's it really.
Travel plans for the Big Smoke.
Day One (Sunday): Travel to Grandma B's at Blaxland - 3.5hr drive.
Day Two (Monday): Drive to nearest train station and go into the city (alight train at St James station walk to art gallery, pay entry fee, see Art of Islam exhibition, leave gallery, walk to circular quay through Botan'l Grdns, lunch, walk up George Street, visit Haigh's Chocolates for sister and selves, walk towards Town Hall, go to Myer etc, catch train home back to Grandma's B's.
Day Three ( Tuesday): Visit specialist native plant nursery for stock-ups, go to Richmond or Windsor for Lunch, back to Blaxland via other interesting places (norman lindsay gallery??)
Day Four (Wednesday): Travel to Smithfield to the Dutch shop for netherlandish food supplies (I have lists)
Day Five (Thursday): Travel home via Mudgee??
I have been made the Shire of Radburne's Herald. HUZZAH.
It's going to be a bit more interesting and lot more involved than the old position and I think personally a lot more responsibility. I am looking forward to it.
I am so happy that I was chosen because it means that others believe in me and the long term future of the group with me in it.
Ok, enough of the the ego trip, back to regular viewing.
Hi to Miss Wu - lurking there reading my blog!
See you soon and good luck for exams!
well, this what it feels like to be a woman? crampy, cravings and etc..
It started on Sunday - yay!
Feels weird after almost 5 months of not having anything. Drug induced or not, psychologically it does feel different - is this what it feels like to have 'normal' hormones? gosh, I don't mind it at all. Seeing the doc on Wednesday - next step. Blood test, more drugs, get serious-er time.
Besides that I have cut out a new caftan and accoutrement(sp?) and having super fun with Mr Grump whilst he is on Hols so therefore Mr Pleasant.
Next weekend off to Sydney to visit Grandma and the Art of Islam exhibit and probably have dinner with Miss Wu.
What Pirates of the Caribbean character are you? Your Result: Hector Barbossa You are Captain Hector Barbossa! You are so evil that even hell its self spat you back out! In other words, you are one evil dude! And you really like apples. | |
Jack Sparrow | |
Will Turner | |
Elizabeth Swann | |
James Norrington | |
Tia Dalma | |
Cutler Beckett | |
Davy Jones | |
What Pirates of the Caribbean character are you? |
I don't really like apples.
I want to adopt another animal. As if 3 geese, 3 dogs, numerous chooks and a mad cat and a wacky sheep isn't enough. I would like another cat - its nice having Maddie but she isn't exactly affectionate. You would be lucky if you got sniffed and then bitten.
I have achieved another step to becoming a teacher. I have become a tutor - I met my first client today with her mum. She is a shy but delightful 11 year old that has not been supported enough in Literacy in mainstream Primary education. We will be working on her spelling, writing skills and comprehension. I will endeavour to make it interesting, relevant and flexible to her needs.
I'm excited by this prospect and another good thing is that it seems that it was meant to be with the opportunity presenting itself and then before I knew it I was meeting the client today and another bonus its once a week (great for Uni/Study schedule) and its local (no petrol costs!).
Remember the teapot?- Credit for performance!
On the first lot of drugs..
1. 30mg of Provera every day for 10 days (its almost 7 days already)
2. Been having L.S.A on the rice flakes, yoghurt and fruit combo to help with phyto-estrogens
3. Feeling slight mittelschmerz from both ovaries - good sign.
4. Not much hormonal fluctuations with mood, cravings etc - I think holidays are helping.
Next step
Blood Test
Clomiphene to aid ovulation
Start charting etc.
Rather obtuse title, methinks. Pondering many things amongst those, the power one gives to negativity by allowing it to manifest in conversation over and over. Recently, this has been occuring in the group of like-minded individuals and with 2 members leaving (with relief being felt all round) and a general bouncier mood being felt for about month now we just have experienced more negativity with back handed snide remarks being reported to some powers that, how do I feel?
Some good news today, after the crap I had to put up with in doing the group assignment - we got a DISTINCTION- big huzzah on that.
On other news, saw the 'ferty' specialist last week and we are seeing him again this week for an update with results of blood test and 'swimmers' test. Hopefully, it will be straightforward and just the one drug to help ovulation again, if not another drug will come and play and then it will injections if those 2 are not successful.
Had some news from the group - H & K have resigned officer's posts and will not participating in the group due to personal reasons etc..I hope they have fun doing whatever they will be doing and we find some new officers so we can proceed with the becoming a Shire.
Funny day today, a quick trip to Dubs this morning to do a courier run for the little swimmers - I was hoping all the way up I wasn't pulled over by the cops or had a car accident - how would I explain what was in my pocket...bears not thinking about.
Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do..
Sunday was a fantastic day with the clan du mareschal visiting Sydney for the unveiling of the Welcome wall at the Maritime museum
Gran B, Mum and Dad P, Unk J, Super K and Miss Wu and myself (Mr Grump needed time at home) saw the ceremony, had lunch at Darling Harbour, (Gran B and I had Ice Cream!) then came back and checked out the wall with the family names on it. I think we may also be on the website - we did get our piccies taken...and KAMAHL was there.
While we were walking around Gran B and I stood behind Kamahl - he is a beautifully dressed man with impeccable grooming and lovely basso voice..
Decided to get more immigrant members on the wall eventually when we are rich again. I have 3 on Dad J's side of the family, and on Mum's well - you can take it back to that convict who stole a shirt. On Mr Grump's side 3 members - 2 from Scotland, 1 from Austria.
After the 50+ mm of rain last week and a follow-up of 2.5 on Monday night, it has become a verdant,lush and fecund looking land again. All we need is frolicsome lambs with wiggly tails, calves at udder and piglets wallowing in mud. It has delighted my eyes for almost a week and has soothed a very frazzled, tired, emotionally spent mind.
I wish it was that simple.
Mr Grump and I have made the decision
Tasha has a tumour which is causing too much pain and suffering
Tomorrow - don't ask how I will be..
is it true - let me know.
On other news, another shitty day at Uni with receiving a crappy mark for what I had thought was a reasonable effort at assignment that I had quite enjoyed with the use of modern Australian literature that was image based with no written words to guide the reader. However, my lecturer - my one-eyebrowed baby (simpsons reference) let me down again and I received a mark that clearly reflects her need to feel superior and obsessive about what she perceives to be right and correct her little lecture-y world.
Other students have received crap marks as well and questioned their want to teach and their need to feel validated - which I know you should not NEED seek validation but find in yourself - but after 3 and a bit years of doing this f'n course - we all need to feel supported somehow especially when the University espouses this we're here for you and we'll get through no matter what- so our stats look good.
Its enough b.s for me to start looking for something else to do - like earn money and live in the real world unlike the lecturer I have.
I even took ownership of the word C..T today and used it to release some tension - it felt good.
I shall use it randomly when the situation warrants it.
I keep finding them through SCA blogs - its a addiction methinks.
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Artistic Nerd Whether it's painting, sewing, drawing, arts and crafts; or just splashing paint onto a canvas and calling it art; you mostly fit this description. Lots of people envy the artists, but be humble and keep working on it. There is a shortage of true artists today who actually contribute anything to society. | |
Literature Nerd | |
Drama Nerd | |
Social Nerd | |
Gamer/Computer Nerd | |
Science/Math Nerd | |
Musician | |
Anime Nerd | |
What Be Your Nerd Type? Quizzes for MySpace |
Please reply for the following question: I have 10 mts of burgundy velveteen what kind of dress should I make?:
These are the choices I like as well Cranach (german style gown)
Let me know by commenting in my comments!
Market day and boffer tourney
I glad to say that I survived the dust, wind and atrocious distance from anything that was our campsite. I came home earlier than expected due to feeling a bit blue/homesick, suffering from swollen ankles from walking over uneven,rocky, dusty roads. Despite the conditions I saw a lot of people I have met before at other events and they remembered me. Market day was enjoyable with lots of little things brought - earrings from Oonagh, hat, snoods, cute little bag and a bowl and beaker cup from Alex the potter. I ended up with 3 Salty Bint tavern cups having pretended to be 3 different people - more feastware!
The classes I attended were fantastic and now I have an urge to make period shoes and mittens and maybe learn the drop spindle. The food from Crispin's kitchen was exceptional and filling/hearty fare. I volunteered for the troll booth one afternoon which was a nice way to spend Saturday afternoon...quiet.
This is the view from the troll booth.
Radburne is in there somewhere oh!thats right over the hill and nowhere near anything..
You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
You Are Sunrise |
![]() You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
Your Aura is Orange |
![]() You're a bit of a loner, but you're never lonely. You know how to entertain yourself. Whether you're trying an extreme sport or a new weird food, you always live on the edge. The purpose of your life: testing limits - both physical and mental... and then telling people about it. Famous oranges include: Timothy Leary, David Blaine, Tony Hawk, Carey Hart Careers for you to try: Snowboarder, Circus Performer, Undercover Agent |
What mental disorder do you have? Your Result: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) You have odd obsessions that you cannot seem to control. You may even perform rituals to make you feel better. Counting and continuously obsessing over things happens frequently. | |
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) | |
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) | |
Manic Depressive | |
Paranoia | |
What mental disorder do you have? |
Yep, its mum's birthday today. We are travelling down for dinner tonight. Traditional roast with the trimmings and probably a superb birthday cake for afters.
Its been a little over a week since my op and I am finding I have increasing energy, I just wish it was a little cooler so that I could get out and do some gardening or go for a walk. My throat pain is becoming a distant memory with little discomfort. I still have to keep up the fluids so that it does'nt get too sore or dry. I am getting excited about the possiblities that the op has given me with being able to function reasonably normally without being constantly tired and muddleheaded. No excuses for memory loss now!
It'll be a week tomorrow since I had my op and the recovery is progressing with some words being spoken today with a little pain. The frustration level has hit all time highs with the cravings for non-mushy, cool foods (catch-cry has been
I NEED STEAK!)increasing everytime Mr Grump eats something nice for dinner or lunch. I have had to spend a lot of time in the past week not speaking and therefore listening to the inner voice - which has'nt been too bad as the pain in my jaw, my tongue and throat have been consuming the majority of my concentration.