
The WeatherPixie

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Forgive all and move on.

I had an interesting day yesterday. Mr Grump, D1 and I went to Dubbo and whilst Mr Grump went shoe shopping and hardware drooling over, D1 and I had a look at a Psychic fair going on in the one of the most hectic shopping malls in the world, not the biggest just the most hectic.
I had decided before going that I would have a reading and I did, very interesting there is a common theme throughout the readings I have had, dear reader. That is forgiveness.
Of whom?? myself, my parents and other transgressor that have emotionally agrieved me over the years, it sounds a bit dramatic I know. Once I had thought about it, it kinda made sense to me.
The tendency of mine of not letting go of anything and holding onto the rose tinted version of events. I do not consider myself a truly deep person nor am I superficial but having to forgive people close to me is hard. I will not write of it here as it is not a public forgiveness parade!
Onto other stuff.
I have finished my corset and wore it for the first time and unfortunately, I had put the boning in the wrong way and I looked like a big green tube with jellies wobbling on top..I have rectified the situation and will sew it up soon. Off to Mum and Dad's next week for a couple days to start sewing my italian. YAY.
On a sad note, the family said Goodbye to Rosie - a fiesty black terrier that loved everyone and loved cuddles. Vale Rosie!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


oh my god, tom cruise got married..woo bloody hoo.

feckin skanky scientologist, scary multitoothed midget..

poor girl scared into marry that...

was there a pre-nup??


had fun with francesca and oz - felt like a newbie twonk trying to make a material pattern for hose - francesca aka Doc Indy - very patience, very lubbly lady to help me prease.

its late and I'm still up - yay! party to the break of yawn

3 months of Spider solitaire

Well, I have finished and have had a few days of quality sleep...ah perchance to dream..
a conclusion I have come to is that my brain was fried and indeed running on adrenaline, and now I hope it does'nt reflect in my results from uni.
I am now in the luxurious position of playing spider solitaire for the next 3 months - slightly silly - yes, addictive - yep, score for switching the brain off - 10/10.
SCA sewing will start soon and I will be covered in threads and bits of material with a maddened look in my eye that will tell the wary Mr Grump - stay away lest you become a tailors dummy!
I realise that it is only 2 weeks to Festival and I have several outfits in my head that I would like to take time to make instead of doing a rush job. These include:
Florentine gown in blue
Green and gold gown (aussie, aussie oi oi)
Fix split sleeve persian caftan.
White persian chemise
Fix cloak..
make pink persian pants (selwars)
make viking outfit - woolen t-tunic and brown pants.

I am off to Francesca's to make stockings to wear under this garb and to experience Dubvega's delightful heat and humidity..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

me doing chook impersonation

Last friday nite Super K the wonder sister and I went to a Uni Masquerade ball and had lots of fun, wore some super feathered masks that cost $2 each..I think I shocked ppl at uni by wearing a dress and heels...lovely and girly I thought but alas according to Super K I have a male harem of 20 somethings...whats a woman to do..

On to my last assignment for the Uni year - its all about education department policy interpretation and critical analysis and my own philosophy for the classroom discipline and management. Due on Thursday, have done the hard bits, its just making it 2000 words that will be the hard bit..or maybe not. Have to give a u-hoo to my sis, Ms W-Woo and wish her good luck in her exams for next week. Mum told me to think of her while she trials and tribulates..
Had lunch with Mr Grump in the park today - such a lovely day with green grass parrots and wattle birds amongst the trees, very speckky.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Not long now

gosh, 3 days to go and 2nd year is almost done. I have some assignments due next week but that does'nt matter at least I'm at home.

SCA schtuff- we have a new king and queen to be crowned soon. I'm getting excited at the prospect of making garb for festival...I'm so pretty oh so pretty.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Countdown - not the tv show

Again, I am feeling life in its entirety. Uni has me to'ing and fro'ing emotionally and I wish it would all fuck off and I could hide under a rock..

some costuming/SCA schtuff - I have almost finished my corset in green which has taken me awhile (see above comment) it should be lovely to wear and give me a more 'traditional' line under my european garb..I have a list as long as long thing of projects for the next 3 months as I wait for 3rd year to come about.
I can't wait for 2007 as I have made the decision to wayfare more and meet more SCA'ers and I am waiting with baited breath for Festival - I think we are having our own site this year which will be fun and maybe a little annoying at the same time...oh well, more time at the Tav and at classes.
Hopefully, Mr Grump will join in at some of the wayfaring...or I'll have to find myself a consort for away missions..I need someone to flirt with in the tavern..

Back to uni crap - anyone know anything about how similar/dissimilar vygotsky and montessori were?