
The WeatherPixie

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Too much time on my hands

What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

You have odd obsessions that you cannot seem to control. You may even perform rituals to make you feel better. Counting and continuously obsessing over things happens frequently.

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
Manic Depressive
What mental disorder do you have?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Not much doin really...

Have had a few days of quiet noodling around home. Started my velvet(een) skirt in blue and green to go with my wonderful bodice from the US. soon as I had sewn the skirt together and gathered around the waist and pinned the waistband on - surprise, surprise (please read sarcasm), the waistband is too small by ohhh 2 inches! So, ripped it all apart, cut out 2 additional panels and extend the waistband. The additional panels are for fullness in the skirt.

I did have success with the under-skirt in blue broadcloth - simple sewing with a ribbon tied waist.

I finally went back to work this week, however, I went back a day early, so it was a humourous escapade into goofiness - no embarrassment required, just a good laugh. worked wednesday, thursday and have a shift on Sunday. I have worked out the days I will be available during Uni which will be grand to have money whilst learning stuff.

We are having visitors tomorrow! SOme of the gang from Radburne are coming over for a planning/social lunch - I am making caesar salad with gluten free croutons and gluten free 2 tone chocolate brownies...yummo.

Oh..I will also have new hair by the end of this afternoon - as I said to Mr Grump - I can accept the grey hair but I can't live with it yet..

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Mum!

Yep, its mum's birthday today. We are travelling down for dinner tonight. Traditional roast with the trimmings and probably a superb birthday cake for afters.

I was up at the crack of dawn today as part of this ' I have so much energy its cheesing me off' thing my body and head is doing at the moment. So far I have almost completed a under-caftan for my new persian outfit and done 2 lots of washing ...sheesh.
Its going to be hot again - 41C yesterday, a little less today about 38C.
I also received my bodice from the states! So, I am going to go and look at it and go oooohhh pretttyy.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Energy Rising

Its been a little over a week since my op and I am finding I have increasing energy, I just wish it was a little cooler so that I could get out and do some gardening or go for a walk. My throat pain is becoming a distant memory with little discomfort. I still have to keep up the fluids so that it does'nt get too sore or dry. I am getting excited about the possiblities that the op has given me with being able to function reasonably normally without being constantly tired and muddleheaded. No excuses for memory loss now!

There has been emails back and forth to Kol about Festival and camping. It looks like we will have friends from West Oz joining us in our site - HUZZAH! I am getting really excited about it and it is still 2 months (oh shit) away. Must get moving on garb sewing (finish shawl collar caftan and pants, make persian undergarments, velvet skirt to match bodice, and refurbish cloak).
I've said I can work next week and by the looks of it I will need the money as we are hiring a marquee for our site at Festival - a great idea. We will probably purchase food for snacks and go with Crispins kitchen for meals - which is great deal for the 4-5 days I will be there.
Uni to start in 24 days. 2 days a week - full on days, the rest of the week for study, work and chillin'.