
The WeatherPixie

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Here I am

Where am I?
After another week of monday and friday teaching I have finished my 2nd year prac. It was heart wrenching leaving the children behind but I am glad to leave the school behind - too big, too impersonal, a bit clique-y.
I received lots of love and praise from the kids plus some very inciteful and entertaining 6/7 year old wisdom. Ideally this is where I would love to end up teaching - just old enough to be knowledgable but still at that trusting, loving and just *grand* age.

SCA schtuff - not much going on as Uni has taken over for the next few weeks. The emails have been running hot with everyone saying whatever - sometimes being away from Dubvegas has its advantages...sometimes not. I am loving it still and it keeps me sane but the drive is not there at the moment to complete any of my projects or start any- fucken uni..
The photo on the right was taken at last weeks Tourney - me trying to look elegant and romanesque...while list mistressing..
Mr Grump and i had a lovely day in Dubs buying printers and plants - a perfectly lovely day out. Brought some hanging baskets and seedlings - petunias, verbenas and seadaisies - harkening back to childhood.
Cold tonight - requiring trakkies, fluffy socks and toast for dinner.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What's Normal

not me, that's for sure.
I am so over being tired and harangued by university lecturers that don't know their arses from their or someone else's elbow.
Besides, that its time for a holiday...somewhere nice, quiet and still with great food and cocktails - a five star buddhist retreat with amazing views and cocktail hour after chanting.

AND NOW SCA SCHTUFF - Had our last Tourney for the year and it was pretty good, the heavies got out and had a thump and we had kids boffering away which was mildly entertaining, I list-mistressed but didn't voice herald - damn throat, tonsil/adenoid thing getting in the way again. I wore Roman - a tube of charmeuse/satiny stuff with pearl buttons at the top and a gold veil - very pretty, very comfy but not good in Dubbo's gale force winds - I was advertising the whole goods yesterday.

SPOTLIGHT HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR/TO! - finished tourney early, went to Spotlight brought wool-blend 3.5m for $4 metre, shantung looking shot material in pink and black for $2m and a wild indonesian print for $3m. I think the wool blend is going to be a T-Tunic or Viking apron dress....indonesian print - selwars and the pink/black - something nutsy..
Mr Grump wasn't impressed but I got good deals so shutup and grump back to the shed.

How good is a cup of tea on a Sunday afternoon?

Off to teach again tomorrow - I love the kids but do they like me??

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tonsils and Adenoids

FINALLY!!! i have been given a reason for my continous tiredness and my ability to pick up bugs and viruses with great skill. After my bout of pneumonia I visited the Superdoc and she referred me to a specialist ENT down in Orange.
After sleeping in the car whilst Mr Grump drove we arrived to the medical centre promptly got lost - yep, map reading skills after sleeping for 30 minutes not good. Got into SPecialists office sat down, chatted, sat me in a chair stuck cold metal things in my mouth and up me nose..then sprayed anaesthetic up my delicate smell-o-meter and then stuck a camera up there. The whole thing was really fascinating for Mr Grump and myself, however i was left with a odd sensation and a big ball of bitter shittiness at the back of my throat.
Story short - tonsils - huge, adenoids - huge + severe obstructive sleep apnoea = sick me all the time, all the time sleepy and tired.
I am now on the list for surgery - its the short list but I may not get in there until February just in time for Uni to go back.
SCA stuff - not much at the mo - just more website updates with legalese for external website connections - 'the boss' has asked ie: chronicler, heralder with big stick - Col. Started making hose to wear under garb with Francesca last week - I'll ask her to help me finish on Sunday at A & S/fightie prac. Tourney soon again - I will do voice heraldry despite big pink fleshy things not being nice to me, I've started to advertise at Uni for one and all - the word is getting out there and continously makes life fun to chat to people.