
The WeatherPixie

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's my birthday!

As you can see by the title, yes, it's my birthday. I'm a year older and maybe a little wiser? 34 years old and I'm feeling a little meh! about it so far but it's still early in the day. I walked down to the letterbox and retrieved the mail today, there was 2 cards for me - this is one of the enjoyable parts of birthdays - is the cards sent in the mail. One was from the sister Miss Woo- the city-dwelling polictics/history studying baby sister - this is a photo of the front of it, of course its her humour all of it - front of card, middle of card, back of card in large writing..and the other card in the mail was from shell - an erstwhile friend of whom I have not talked to for a while now for various reasons, some good, some bad, some just miffed at stuff reasons.
One of my surprises came in the form of a sheep, I arrived home after a very long day at Uni to find a sheep bahhhhing away in the vegie patch paddock..She was a 'stray' found wandering the streets of Wello by the ranger - so of course Mr Grump brought her home. Ladies and gentleman presenting Princess Lambchop.
As well as accumulating a sheep, we have baby chickens living in our bathroom - THE BATHROOM YOU SAY? yes, the bathroom, as it has got cooler up here but still quite warm during the day - the temperature for raising baby chooks is a bit dodgy to regulate without relatively constant supervision, of which, Mr Grump and I cannot provide at the moment. WHY ARE'NT THEY WITH THEIR MOTHER? Because they were hatched in a incubator to increase chances of survival. So, therefore they live in our bathroom free from predators -feathered - yes, chooks can eat their own and others young, furry - feral cats, possums and scaly - goannas, lizards etc and they spend their babychickenhood in a box with a lightpot for warmth and comfort.
Its all very cute with fluffy feathery bundles of cheepiness - but it can be a bit of an uneasy feeling showering and drying oneself with this junior chooks looking at you - or am I just being paranoid?
Off to lunch today with Mr Grump, to our usual country cafe - bound to eat something wholesome, followed by lemon cheesecake (for which I am addicted at the moment) and my weekly coffee - which I love hot, strong and sweet - kinda like how I like my lovers.
Not that I have many lovers for the past 13 years of being with Mr Grump - one really, him.
I contemplate the field playing scenario occasionally and people of both genders kinda get me looking but not touching, just for the fact that I am loyally loved and appreciated by a man that surprises me with puppies, sheep and goodness knows what next...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Silly again

You Are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Hat!

My new tudor flat cap! I have changed the peacock feather to 3 black/green rooster feathers which look pretty cool. It completes the ensemble of the velveteen skirt, bodice from the US and now I just have to make a new chemise to go under it from some lovely cotton blend material in a creamy stripe that I got from Spotlight today.

Friday, March 16, 2007

My first manicure

I gave in to my vanity today and had my first manicure, what a delight and what a joy. As a person who utilises her hands for all things hand related. After a dreadful closing shift at work, I decided to spend some time having this joyous thing committed unto my beat-up old hands. Now they are a pretty pinky-flesh colour with twinkly chocolate brown nails.

On other news, its been a week since my ginger-boy left us and I feel terrible because I don't feel as horrible as other cat lovers I have talked to have, but on the other hand if I do contemplate for too long - I do start to tear up.

Tomorrow is our get-together in the park in Dubs - I will training again with Sir Oz (oh know the nails!) and I will eating gluten free choco brownies with Lady Francesca and Lady Katrijn, Oelken and Johanna and whoever else turns up..

Less than 2 weeks to my birthday! YAY! Even less until I get my new tattoo! woo to the hoo.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

What the?

The day started off nice and early at 6.30am which is becoming the norm now. Being inspired by the rising sun I was outside taking photos with the digital camera. Dad turned up at 9ish after having power-walked out to our place, after telling the news about the gingerboy we had a cuppa, cake and a chat. Off to Coles for the weekly shop. Home again and finished a draft of a uni assignment(maths-ewww). After lunch, assignment etc it was off for my first training with Sir Oz and Oelken - super-fun for now but when they start to hit back - I don't knowww.

My arms are now sore and I feel the need for a good sleep....

Friday, March 09, 2007

Goodbye my Gingerboy

I lost my boy today. After suffering for a week with kidney failure and a suspected brain tumour, Mr Grump and I made the very hard decision to have Alex put to rest. The vets were so lovely and gentle and called him a beautiful cat (despite being contrary at times). Alex was my baby before I had Mr Grump, and all the other creatures in my life. He had the loudest purr I had heard from any cat and loved nose nuzzles.

Goodbye boyness

Friday, March 02, 2007

Nicked from Tyg's LJ.

Your Aura is Orange

You're a bit of a loner, but you're never lonely. You know how to entertain yourself.
Whether you're trying an extreme sport or a new weird food, you always live on the edge.

The purpose of your life: testing limits - both physical and mental... and then telling people about it.

Famous oranges include: Timothy Leary, David Blaine, Tony Hawk, Carey Hart

Careers for you to try: Snowboarder, Circus Performer, Undercover Agent
Ooooh, can I be a undercover agent?? Please??

Sheesh, its only been a week

Its only been a week and I am already feeling overwhelmed, so here I am blogging to add to the procrastination. I am looking at my wallplanner and thinking hmm, lots of stuff to do and more grey hairs to cover up at the hairdressers. Speaking of grey hairs, the group of like-minded individuals is not so like-minded at the moment and some are down right dictatorial whilst others are thinking what and where can we go if we cannot work stuff out. As one of the orginal members of the group it is dividing my loyalty towards others and leaving me feeling quite sad and a bit miffed.

Hopefully, we can just do the band-aid thing and rip it off and make definite decisions democratically. Otherwise, I think the group could either disband or could schism into 'he said, she said' dynamics.

Some other stuff - I have had a breakthrough with Mr Grump and will now be either referred to as Wolfgang (SCA related stuff) or Mr Grump (real-life stuff). I am well on my way to saving for Festival and now we have a site and a kitchen/meeting tent, I have volunteered to be a roaming reporter and do heralding - as well collegia, buying goodies and hopefully carousing in the tavern. I am yet to finish the velveteen skirt (hem and trouser hooks) and make another 2 kamiz's for my persian stuff, and start another outfit.

I have also started our personal website and fixed up the groups website which is a ongoing thing.
So, life is busy but I would winge if it wasn't.