
The WeatherPixie

Monday, July 30, 2007

For the non-SCA playing Wolfman

Well, being fuelled by caffeine has its benefits. After using Katrijns projector on Saturday after the working bee at Dragon Hill for up and coming War Weekend (oh no, less than two weeks away!), I have made Mr Pleasant nee Grumble's banner - he may not have garb but he's got a banner - it took most Sunday afternoon and it was worth it..

Here are the photos.

The first one with the red blobs are the eye and tongue pinned on to show correct positioning. These were then sewn in place using a zig-zag stitch.

This shows the positioning of the wolf's head over the eye and tongue piece. I proceeded to pin the whole thing all over.

All stitched up and finished. Just need to hem top and bottom and its ready to go. Not a great angle but it shows it in it's entirety.

Friday, July 27, 2007


The Tavern Feast

Fantacular - it was super fun to be a in a tent in garb eating fantacular food and great company and yes, I did drink and yes, I did have a hangover the next day. We sang tavern songs, listen to poetry and stories and have a good laugh. I got to play a part in a story as the 'screamer' which once upon a time I would'nt be able to do - I just could'nt girly scream...

The Monthly Tourney

Was good, bloody cold and uncomfortable due to above hangover and chatterbox member of group. We had leftover pasties and chicken broth from tavern feast - all the better the next day...

Bunch of Classes

Was brillant, yet again another hangover from a nights girly drinking and then a party. The classess were interesting and informative and above all inspiring. I am now going to make an norse outfit because I made a Viking glass bead necklace and I am going to wear flemish because it so darn practical and it gives a nod to my Dutch ancestry. The feast on the Saturday was lovely and intimate with only 15 bods turning up, the atmosphere was candle-lit and the weather raining...lovely food too! Got to love Pot-luck.

got home on Sunday after a short stop at Spotlight - ahh Francesca you fabric know my weakness because it is yours as well!!!!!!!!! oh, handkerchief linen in white, fuschia and red!


Woke up bearly (yep, I meant bearly) and did nothing for the day


Went to Bathurst and brought a new/old car for me. 1997 Mitsubishi Magna. Sexy charcoaly/black with CENTRAL LOCKING and CRUISE CONTROL!

I will pick it up soon, just needs power mirrors fixed.

Since Tuesday I have been getting over the flu which Mr Pleasant/Grump donated to me - nice.

Off to working bee at Dragon Hill tomorrow in prep for our WAR! woohoo.

Its all true

How evil are you?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Severus Snape is Sexy.

Yep, I think so - all that brooding darkness and sarcastic commentary through gritted teeth- it gets me, plus it's Alan Rickman so I am bound think he's sexy. BTW Harry Potter was excellent, He who should not be named was scary...
Today (friday) Mr Pleasant and I went to Mudgee to the Small Farms Field Day - typically it was windy, cold and muddy. Despite the weather I brought home some Wiltipoll sheep, Dorper Sheep, 3 Clydedales horses, Angora goats and a herd of Alpacas as well as a quad bike for Mr Pleasant nee Grump, a Akrubra hat for me (to be worn on a jaunty angle like all landed gentry do), and of course a combine harvester for the paddock that does not include animals.
In the real world I got freebies from the government departments to be used as resources when I am teaching finally.
Tomorrow, a 3rd birthday party in the morning and then tomorrow night a tavern feast at Francesca and Oz's followed by the monthly day in the park on Sunday. Hopefully, I won't be hungover - depends how I feel really, will take fizzy (lemonade etc) and alcomohol WHEEEEE!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Can't sleepitis

I was good I went to bed at reasonable hour and how does my body repay me? By turning the head noise on..sheesh.

Off to Harry Potter with Mum tomorrow, that's the good news, bad news is I have to leave at 8ish to get down there to Molong so that we can make the 10.15am viewing on time in Orange...will need caffeine at some stage to aid alertness.

Some good news, for the first time since I started Uni, my uni textbooklist for the next semester will be under $200 - huzzah.

might try sleep again, Mr Grump must have stopped snoring by now..

Thursday, July 05, 2007

the weather pixie is lying!

Its not 12 degree celcius - its bloody colder than that in the foothills. Wind chill factor brings it down to roaring hot fire, dogs inside, stay away from windows for they frost up as soon as you stand near them!

However, Mr Pleasant (despite being back at work) and I did venture forth to our favourite cafe for lunch - could'nt fit in coffee and cake afterwards we brought it good.

Hopefully, the reverse cycle split system blowing nice nice machine will be fixed this afternoon after waiting for the part for eons - so we will have something for those cold mornings and can't be bothered lighting fire days.

On the drug front, it has gone well, we have followed doctors' instructions and now await for the blood test days which will next monday and the following monday. I sense that it will take a couple of attempts just to assist with the routine and drug effects. We both have enough things in our life to distract us from becoming obsessed.

Well, it looks like Francesca and I are off to Bunch of Classes in couple of weeks - we are just waiting for confirmation of our billet which/might be Deense/Katje. I loved it so much last year that this shall be a good time again. Francesca (Hi!) is always good company..

I have also become a signatory on the groups bank account - which is one more step towards becoming a Shire and not just proposed.

Off to think of ideas for the August camping war event at Katrijn's (Hi K!) and sew together my teal green under-caftan..will post photos soon.