
The WeatherPixie

Monday, July 30, 2007

For the non-SCA playing Wolfman

Well, being fuelled by caffeine has its benefits. After using Katrijns projector on Saturday after the working bee at Dragon Hill for up and coming War Weekend (oh no, less than two weeks away!), I have made Mr Pleasant nee Grumble's banner - he may not have garb but he's got a banner - it took most Sunday afternoon and it was worth it..

Here are the photos.

The first one with the red blobs are the eye and tongue pinned on to show correct positioning. These were then sewn in place using a zig-zag stitch.

This shows the positioning of the wolf's head over the eye and tongue piece. I proceeded to pin the whole thing all over.

All stitched up and finished. Just need to hem top and bottom and its ready to go. Not a great angle but it shows it in it's entirety.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wolfgang's banner looks great! I'm wondering if I can get mine done before war, but will try... Have come down with a cold (which is so far only in my nose and throat and not my head) and am really tired after driving down to Nepean and having a long day of tutes yesterday. Half-day of classes today and then back to sunny Dubbo...