
The WeatherPixie

Monday, May 14, 2007

What this Bachelor of Education student does for fun!

Ok, I give up I am never going to post about our feast or demo - but just briefly - fun, was made a lady, everyone was awesome at the feast and demo, SCA people are generally great people, my family was there except Miss Wu and Miss K (sad about that). Wore my new caftan and my blue velveteen and bodice get-up - felt like a rool girl.

Onto other stuff - as part of English curriculum 2 in the 3rd of year of B.Ed(Primary) we are doing presentations of stories or poetry - I have decided to do The Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan - a true master of the ridiculous and devilishly clever and silly at the same time. For this presentation, one has the OPTION of using props, the following photo are what I have made. Also excellent for Kindergarten kids as it teaches them the sound 'ng' - which can be difficult for some children to actually sound out and hear when pronouncing words - to do with palate development and hearing development.

It sits on my head as I quote the poem to the class...

The little square near the lid is a tea-bag label.

1 comment:

daturabelle said...

i teach art...
it's an excellent teapot!