
The WeatherPixie

Friday, May 11, 2007

What does'nt kill us only makes us crazy!

This is still not the post about how feast or demo from 2 weeks ago. Instead I am contemplating on events that have recently happened at home and at that other institute of bedlam.
Several things have happened recently that have made me doubt my ability and sort of hurt my usual bouncy self-confidence. One of these events has been recorded in the blog and the other has only come to light recently. That happening is the group project that we are doing for a subject at the Institut de Bedlam - what has arisen out of the experience is this:
1. Some people should have real-life experiences before being placed in a group situation.
2. Personalities that have had autonomous types of real life experiences should not work together
3. Approaching the lecturer is the last measure IE: you don't 'dob' in a group member until you have sorted the stupid situation out first.
4. It is a crap time of year for group work with 3 other major assignments due.
6. Email is a form of communication - use it and inform members of the group that you are having a meeting.
I have decided to be philosophical about the whole thing and get it over and done with. I feel however, for a friend that is in the group that he has been made the go-between and the only person that is truly communicating with me.

Onto other things...having lost Tasha this week has made me contemplate a few things - one of them being the length of time you have with a pet is ephemeral.
However, the time you have in a committed relationship is infinite in possiblities. It all depends on who you want to be in the relationship - a victim, a individual, a combined force, or a person committed in a relationship for the sake of a relationship.
I have found that what works for me is individuality and being a combined force. At times Mr Grump is the stronger one in the relationship and sometimes I am - that has come with practise and lot of patience - which I lack in boatloads...

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