
The WeatherPixie

Friday, December 01, 2006

Casual Bowls and dressmaking

It's another warm humid evening where Mr Grump, D1 and I went to twilight bowlsing. It was a great night, barefoot, cold drinks, sausage sanger and a champion round of bowls - Mr Grump and I won despite newbie status. What I love about this town is the genuine concept of helping out and giving advice to anyone that will listen and having a good yarn over a cold one.

The last 2 days/nights I have been down at Dapplewood with Mum, Super-K and D2 - Mum and I have been working together to construct the florentine gown.

Some aspects of the construction I was'nt confident about so I went to the wise sewing elf - mum. Luckily, I did as it needed some converting to fit etc. Now all I have to do is bling it up, do some sleeves and eyelets and oversew eyelets.

YAY! Miss Wu is coming back tomorrow for stuvac - fun to be had with everyone. It looks like myself, Super-K, Miss Wu and ma are going to Coronation/12th night in January - HUZZAH!

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