Call me....
![]() | My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Her Excellency Aminah the Contrite of Dicken St Charles Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
a commentary on nothing really, SCA schtuff, teaching stuff, health stuff, stuff on stuff. Features Mr Grump, my family, his family, the chooks, geese and the dogs or gods, friends and how to have them (roasted) and now Max the cat.
![]() | My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Her Excellency Aminah the Contrite of Dicken St Charles Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
memories of when I was 18 ye gods.
Thanks to Wenchilada!
So, onto the next stage of the proceedings which is to start learning to fight in earnest which will happen in the new year, and find bits of metal to protect me from mostly hurting when biffing with others. I have decided I want a metal breastplate with a back protection. To that point D1 has found some metal type making guys in the Gumboot that may be interested in doing something for me. Just have to give them the Combat rules and show them some examples which Col is going to supply being a fighty girly and armoured up.
Mr Grump is saying nothing at the moment about this decision, I think he thinks I'm blagging and won't go through with it.. HAH!!!
Still blinging up the dress - its not that far until coronation so I need to get it done soonish especially now that I have a JOB.
NEW JOB details:
Where: Bi-lo Supermarket as a Deli grrrl - you want to slice your what?? I need to fund my SCA habit for the foreseeable future its Deli and money, Uni and the SCA - why can't they pay us to be student teachers???
Well, I have finished and have had a few days of quality sleep...ah perchance to dream..
a conclusion I have come to is that my brain was fried and indeed running on adrenaline, and now I hope it does'nt reflect in my results from uni.
I am now in the luxurious position of playing spider solitaire for the next 3 months - slightly silly - yes, addictive - yep, score for switching the brain off - 10/10.
SCA sewing will start soon and I will be covered in threads and bits of material with a maddened look in my eye that will tell the wary Mr Grump - stay away lest you become a tailors dummy!
I realise that it is only 2 weeks to Festival and I have several outfits in my head that I would like to take time to make instead of doing a rush job. These include:
Florentine gown in blue
Green and gold gown (aussie, aussie oi oi)
Fix split sleeve persian caftan.
White persian chemise
Fix cloak..
make pink persian pants (selwars)
make viking outfit - woolen t-tunic and brown pants.
I am off to Francesca's to make stockings to wear under this garb and to experience Dubvega's delightful heat and humidity..
gosh, 3 days to go and 2nd year is almost done. I have some assignments due next week but that does'nt matter at least I'm at home.
SCA schtuff- we have a new king and queen to be crowned soon. I'm getting excited at the prospect of making garb for festival...I'm so pretty oh so pretty.
Again, I am feeling life in its entirety. Uni has me to'ing and fro'ing emotionally and I wish it would all fuck off and I could hide under a rock..
some costuming/SCA schtuff - I have almost finished my corset in green which has taken me awhile (see above comment) it should be lovely to wear and give me a more 'traditional' line under my european garb..I have a list as long as long thing of projects for the next 3 months as I wait for 3rd year to come about.
I can't wait for 2007 as I have made the decision to wayfare more and meet more SCA'ers and I am waiting with baited breath for Festival - I think we are having our own site this year which will be fun and maybe a little annoying at the same time...oh well, more time at the Tav and at classes.
Hopefully, Mr Grump will join in at some of the wayfaring...or I'll have to find myself a consort for away missions..I need someone to flirt with in the tavern..
Back to uni crap - anyone know anything about how similar/dissimilar vygotsky and montessori were?
Where am I?
After another week of monday and friday teaching I have finished my 2nd year prac. It was heart wrenching leaving the children behind but I am glad to leave the school behind - too big, too impersonal, a bit clique-y.
I received lots of love and praise from the kids plus some very inciteful and entertaining 6/7 year old wisdom. Ideally this is where I would love to end up teaching - just old enough to be knowledgable but still at that trusting, loving and just *grand* age.
SCA schtuff - not much going on as Uni has taken over for the next few weeks. The emails have been running hot with everyone saying whatever - sometimes being away from Dubvegas has its advantages...sometimes not. I am loving it still and it keeps me sane but the drive is not there at the moment to complete any of my projects or start any- fucken uni..
The photo on the right was taken at last weeks Tourney - me trying to look elegant and romanesque...while list mistressing..
Mr Grump and i had a lovely day in Dubs buying printers and plants - a perfectly lovely day out. Brought some hanging baskets and seedlings - petunias, verbenas and seadaisies - harkening back to childhood.
Cold tonight - requiring trakkies, fluffy socks and toast for dinner.
not me, that's for sure.
I am so over being tired and harangued by university lecturers that don't know their arses from their or someone else's elbow.
Besides, that its time for a holiday...somewhere nice, quiet and still with great food and cocktails - a five star buddhist retreat with amazing views and cocktail hour after chanting.
AND NOW SCA SCHTUFF - Had our last Tourney for the year and it was pretty good, the heavies got out and had a thump and we had kids boffering away which was mildly entertaining, I list-mistressed but didn't voice herald - damn throat, tonsil/adenoid thing getting in the way again. I wore Roman - a tube of charmeuse/satiny stuff with pearl buttons at the top and a gold veil - very pretty, very comfy but not good in Dubbo's gale force winds - I was advertising the whole goods yesterday.
SPOTLIGHT HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR/TO! - finished tourney early, went to Spotlight brought wool-blend 3.5m for $4 metre, shantung looking shot material in pink and black for $2m and a wild indonesian print for $3m. I think the wool blend is going to be a T-Tunic or Viking apron dress....indonesian print - selwars and the pink/black - something nutsy..
Mr Grump wasn't impressed but I got good deals so shutup and grump back to the shed.
How good is a cup of tea on a Sunday afternoon?
Off to teach again tomorrow - I love the kids but do they like me??
FINALLY!!! i have been given a reason for my continous tiredness and my ability to pick up bugs and viruses with great skill. After my bout of pneumonia I visited the Superdoc and she referred me to a specialist ENT down in Orange.
After sleeping in the car whilst Mr Grump drove we arrived to the medical centre promptly got lost - yep, map reading skills after sleeping for 30 minutes not good. Got into SPecialists office sat down, chatted, sat me in a chair stuck cold metal things in my mouth and up me nose..then sprayed anaesthetic up my delicate smell-o-meter and then stuck a camera up there. The whole thing was really fascinating for Mr Grump and myself, however i was left with a odd sensation and a big ball of bitter shittiness at the back of my throat.
Story short - tonsils - huge, adenoids - huge + severe obstructive sleep apnoea = sick me all the time, all the time sleepy and tired.
I am now on the list for surgery - its the short list but I may not get in there until February just in time for Uni to go back.
SCA stuff - not much at the mo - just more website updates with legalese for external website connections - 'the boss' has asked ie: chronicler, heralder with big stick - Col. Started making hose to wear under garb with Francesca last week - I'll ask her to help me finish on Sunday at A & S/fightie prac. Tourney soon again - I will do voice heraldry despite big pink fleshy things not being nice to me, I've started to advertise at Uni for one and all - the word is getting out there and continously makes life fun to chat to people.
I have just recovered from a very wonderful weekend with 2 great friends C.W & M.V. I consider people friends after a trial by snoring. Still recovering from broncho-pneumonia, my breathing at night is negible.
We travelled for 4 hours to meet other SCAdians passionate about all sorts of stuff. It was wonderful to see pointy hats mundanely dressed and talking like normal people - yes, I know I sound like I am dazzled by royalty but hey, if they don't mind - I don't mind - deal with it.
We also shopped in Newtown, ate wonderful breakfasts and feasted German style.
Sunday was a highlight with costume show and tell then heavies getting out and thumping each other - very good, I am not entirely convinced that I want to do it yet - maybe the reluctance is more monetary than anything else... besides watching heavy practice is the new t.v for me.
Overall, it was a wonderful girl's trip to Sydney and even getting spooned by C.W was fun, she was wonderful with patting my shoulder to see if I was alright, M.V kept an eye on me as well by making sure I kept breathing...
I am sure that we will have fun at Spring War and my need to thump will increase again.