It's my birthday!
As you can see by the title, yes, it's my birthday. I'm a year older and maybe a little wiser? 34 years old and I'm feeling a little meh! about it so far but it's still early in the day. I walked down to the letterbox and retrieved the mail today, there was 2 cards for me - this is one of the enjoyable parts of birthdays - is the cards sent in the mail. One was from the sister Miss Woo- the city-dwelling polictics/history studying baby sister - this is a photo of the front of it, of course its her humour all of it - front of card, middle of card, back of card in large writing..and the other card in the mail was from shell - an erstwhile friend of whom I have not talked to for a while now for various reasons, some good, some bad, some just miffed at stuff reasons.
One of my surprises came in the form of a sheep, I arrived home after a very long day at Uni to find a sheep bahhhhing away in the vegie patch paddock..She was a 'stray' found wandering the streets of Wello by the ranger - so of course Mr Grump brought her home. Ladies and gentleman presenting Princess Lambchop.

As well as accumulating a sheep, we have baby chickens living in our bathroom - THE BATHROOM YOU SAY? yes, the bathroom, as it has got cooler up here but still quite warm during the day - the temperature for raising baby chooks is a bit dodgy to regulate without relatively constant supervision, of which, Mr Grump and I cannot provide at the moment. WHY ARE'NT THEY WITH THEIR MOTHER? Because they were hatched in a incubator to increase chances of survival. So, therefore they live in our bathroom free from predators -feathered - yes, chooks can eat their own and others young, furry - feral cats, possums and scaly - goannas, lizards etc and they spend their babychickenhood in a box with a lightpot for warmth and comfort.

Its all very cute with fluffy feathery bundles of cheepiness - but it can be a bit of an uneasy feeling showering and drying oneself with this junior chooks looking at you - or am I just being paranoid?
Off to lunch today with Mr Grump, to our usual country cafe - bound to eat something wholesome, followed by lemon cheesecake (for which I am addicted at the moment) and my weekly coffee - which I love hot, strong and sweet - kinda like how I like my lovers.
Not that I have many lovers for the past 13 years of being with Mr Grump - one really, him.
I contemplate the field playing scenario occasionally and people of both genders kinda get me looking but not touching, just for the fact that I am loyally loved and appreciated by a man that surprises me with puppies, sheep and goodness knows what next...